The Kahm Clinic

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Tips to Overcome Binge Eating

Did you know that binge eating disorder (BED) is the most common feeding and eating disorder in the United States? 

People who struggle with binge eating episodes eat an unusually large amount of food in a single sitting and even when they’re not hungry. 

It’s often done in secret and in spite of other efforts to lose or maintain weight, like regular exercise and carefully-planned meals during the day. After a binge, individuals feel intense guilt or shame. Regular episodes may cause weight gain, which can lead to health conditions like heart disease and diabetes. 

Binge eating is about more than food. In fact, it’s recognized as a psychological condition, which means individuals will most likely need help from a healthcare professional to overcome it. In addition to following your treatment plan and regular appointments with your treatment team, you can make some simple lifestyle changes at home to help you better manage your eating habits.

If you or a loved one is struggling with binge eating, consider the five tips below.

1. Eat three regular meals and at least two snacks each day.

Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time and stick to your schedule. Following a consistent eating pattern prevents you from getting too hungry or “hangry,” which makes you vulnerable to overeating. It also makes you less likely to graze throughout the day.

2. Don’t buy your trigger foods.

Chances are, you have a go-to food when it comes to your binges — like ice cream, chips, cookies, or cereal. Don’t buy these items and keep them out of your pantry and refrigerator. Instead, enjoy these foods occasionally and with friends or family in a non-impulsive, planned way.

3. Notice and feel all of your emotions.

It’s important to acknowledge the feelings behind the binge, especially the uncomfortable ones like anxiety, sadness, and shame. Once you understand your emotions, you can start to break the habit of eating as a way to deal with them. Instead, you can learn new ways to cope — ways that don’t involve numbing your feelings with food.

4. Prioritize your sleep.

A good sleep routine is key to overcoming binge eating. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Think about what helps you wind down and relax in the evenings. You can light a candle, take a warm bath, journal, and/or read. Do your best to avoid screens for an hour before you get into bed. 

5. Do what makes you truly happy!

Make a list of your favorite activities, things that you really enjoy and that help mitigate your stress and anxiety. Sign up for a pottery class with your best friend or make plans to explore local parks with your husband and dog. When possible, carve out time for these activities every day. You can even block off 30 minutes on your calendar for a new hobby like meditation, learning a language, or knitting.

To talk to a professional about eating disorder treatment, please reach out to our staff or schedule an appointment at The Kahm Clinic today.